Four Artsakh NA factions release statement 

June 24 2024, 22:46


The incident near the representative office of Nagorno-Karabakh in Armenia on June 21 shows that the Armenian authorities have crossed the line of both legal and moral values. This attitude towards Artsakh is a continuation of the June 12 repressions, which proves that in order to preserve their power, they are ready to violate the Constitution of the country and, using disproportionate force and special measures against their own people, to question the democracy and the commitment of the Republic of Armenia to be a state based on the rule of law. 

Such events are unacceptable and strictly condemnable for us. For a long time, under the guise of democracy, the Armenian authorities have been persecuting various groups and individuals of Artsakh, using repression, discriminatory treatment against them, and divisive vocabulary such as “residents of Armenia and residents of Karabakh”. 

At the same time, we consider it appropriate to express words of gratitude to thousands of our compatriots in Armenia, who, ignoring the artificially created dividing lines, during the last nine months, during the difficult days for us, have done everything possible to ease the moral, psychological, and physical pain of the Armenians of Artsakh.

The actions and statements undermining the unity of society and insulting Artsakh Armenians, which are made not only in social media but also from the parliamentary rostrum by the representatives of the ruling party, are dangerous and unacceptable.

The fight for the homeland and national dignity is an inalienable right of every citizen, of all peoples. Therefore, we demand that the Armenian authorities refrain from insidious and dangerous manifestations that sow violence, hatred and enmity.