Galuzin’s statement is new warning to Armenia, political scientist says

June 06 2024, 12:55

Opinion | Politics

Speaking with Alpha News, Director of the Center for Geopolitical Research of the Institute for Innovative Development Dmitry Rodionov commented on Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Mikhail Galuzin’s statement that Armenia has ceased to show interest in contacts with Russia through the Foreign and Defense Ministries.

According to the expert, the Armenian authorities are active only where it is beneficial for them.

“Galuzin said absolutely obvious things. Indeed, the Armenian authorities are active where it is beneficial for them, for example, in the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU), because Armenia receives a huge number of bonuses from this organization. They are not interested in the areas where they do not have such benefits. Suffice it to recall the situation with the Collective Security Treaty Organization when Armenia said that it is freezing membership, will not pay fees, and will not participate in the work,” Rodionov said.

According to the political scientist, Galuzin’s statement is a new warning to Armenia.

“This is another warning because the ambassador has already been called for consultations and similar statements have been made more than once. Pashinyan and his government need to be put in front of a clear dilemma: either you are a member of the CSTO, the CIS, or other formats of cooperation and work together with us, or you leave these formats. In this case, Russia may have a question about whether the EAEU needs Armenia because Armenia does not bring any benefits; it receives more than it gives. One of the main reasons why Armenia was invited to the EAEU is that it is simultaneously a member of the CSTO and that there is a Russian military base in Armenia. If Armenia quits the CSTO and withdraws the Russian military base, its membership in the EAEU will be absolutely not beneficial for Russia.

This is the main reason why Pashinyan still does not take any drastic steps to quit the CSTO, although the West is really putting pressure on him and trying to achieve this. Pashinyan understands perfectly well that if he does this, Armenia may automatically lose its place in the EAEU, and neither America nor Europe can in any way compensate for all these losses. Although Pashinyan and a number of his ministers have recently quite often made statements that they are ready to join the EU, we understand perfectly well that no one is waiting for them there,” Rodionov concluded.