Gohar Vardanyan: Two houses and more than 15 ha of land will come under Azerbaijan’s control

May 17 2024, 11:05


Residents of the village of Kirants, Tavush region, blocked the Armenia-Georgia interstate road on the Kirants-Vorotan road section. They oppose the continuation of the border delimitation process with Azerbaijan, announced by the Prime Minister’s administration the day before.

Gohar Vardanyan, a resident of Kirants, told Alpha News that as a result of the delimitation process, two houses as well as a section of the road leading to the village from Ijevan and more than 15 hectares of land will come under Azerbaijan’s control. According to the resident, all these lands and houses belong to residents of the village of Kirants, based on the cadastral certificate.

“These two houses will definitely be given away, but the lines on the map are quite thick, which means the number of houses could increase. These houses never belonged to Azerbaijan on any map. As a result of the delimitation, the newly built school will be located 50 meters from the border with Azerbaijan. We are not at all interested in this supposedly good news that about 25 hectares of agricultural land will be returned to the village. These lands have always been under our control; we have mined them to ensure our safety. Now they will remove the mines so that we can cultivate the land? It’s absurd to present this as good news,” Gohar said.

Residents of Kirants demand that the Human Rights Defender and MPs elected from Tavush come to the village and try to find solutions to the problems. According to Gohar, Tavush Governor Hayk Ghalumyan expressed a desire to meet with residents, but without cameras.

“We did not agree with this option. People blocked the road. Let the governor himself come to the village,” Gohar said.