Hayk Khalatyan: The most important thing for Azerbaijan that Nikol Pashinyan is in power in Armenia

April 02 2024, 15:40

Opinion | Politics

Azerbaijan appears to be preparing the ground for escalation, political scientist Hayk Khalatyan told Alpha News.

“When we read Azerbaijan’s latest statements, it seems that ground is being prepared for the international community about a future escalation, which will be presented as an alleged response to the actions of the Armenian side. We also see that our Ministry of Defense and other structures are denying these rumors. It is also not logical that the Armenian side is going to go to some kind of escalation,” the political scientist noted.

According to him, the West is dependent on Azerbaijan’s energy resources and therefore will not take tough steps against this country. 

“Azerbaijan’s desires will completely neutralize the Armenian factor in the region. From this point of view, Azerbaijan believes that there is the right moment on the international field. Now Russia is focused on the war with Ukraine, and the West is not ready to resort to tough actions against Azerbaijan, given its dependence on the energy resources of this country. The most important thing for Azerbaijan is that Nikol Pashinyan is in power in Armenia. Azerbaijan is confident that this government is not capable of providing any serious resistance, as it was convinced of this during the 44-day war,” he noted. 

The political scientist also noted what the fears of the President of Azerbaijan are.

“Right now everything is in Aliyev’s hands; he may try to play the long game carefully, but he fears that conditions may not be as favorable in the future. At the same time, he is concerned that if he takes very tough actions, either Russia or the West may take tough steps. It’s very interesting what path Aliyev will take,” Hayk Khalatyan concluded.