Ilham Aliyev’s rhetoric about the extermination of Armenians has increased sharply, expert says

May 30 2024, 10:21


Ilham Aliyev’s rhetoric about the extermination of Armenians has increased sharply, Expert on Azerbaijani Studies Garnik Davtyan told Alpha News.

“Armenophobia, territorial claims against Armenia, as well as the threat of extermination of Armenians have sharply increased in Ilham Aliyev’s rhetoric. And the first to add water to this mill is the person who occupies the chair of the Prime Minister of Armenia, who, through his powerlessness and deliberate failures, pursues a policy due to which Armenia loses its position in the interests and benefit of Azerbaijan,” Garnik Davtyan said.

According to him, Azerbaijan’s only goal is to obtain the so-called “Zangezur corridor”.

“Azerbaijanis will not limit themselves to Tavush. At the moment, they are talking about Tigranashen, which is located in the Ararat region. As the Azerbaijani propaganda machine notes, the end result of the return of all these territories will be the provision by the Armenian side of the so-called ‘Zangezur corridor’. They mainly use economic and political blackmail. The blockade of two roads that pass through Tavush and Syunik will bring Armenia to its knees, regardless of economic relations with Iran and Russia,” he said.

Davtyan also noted that the current authorities of Armenia do not stand aside from the implementation of Aliyev’s plans.

“Aliyev will use this situation to gain political dividends and say that if you want unhindered communication or your transport not to be checked, you must give us the Zangezur Corridor. Nikol Pashinyan, together with his political team, will not stand aside either,” Davtyan concluded.