Ken Khachigian: Armenian administration must be held accountable

May 17 2024, 10:15


The Armenian administration must be held accountable, Ken Khachigian, Chair of the Armenian Legal Center for Human Rights and Justice, told Alpha News.

“What is happening in Armenia is a great nationwide movement led by the clergy, and I welcome their efforts. The Armenian administration must be held accountable. I believe that this movement is clearly supported by the people. People should not listen to the current administration. American Armenians are deeply disappointed because the US did not react much or did nothing, for example, to prevent the genocide in Artsakh. Look at what is happening in Armenia. The police are using force, but there is no reaction—nothing. At the same time, we see what is happening in Georgia, and American human rights activists or the US government say that the police should not push away people,” Khachigian noted.

He emphasized that the Biden administration is complicit in the genocide committed by Azerbaijan against the Armenians of Artsakh.

“I believe that the policy of the Biden administration towards Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Turkey was nothing short of shameful. The Biden administration was complicit in the genocide of Artsakh Armenians committed by Azerbaijan and backed by Turkey. They now let Azerbaijan claim Armenia’s sovereign territory. They have continued to supply Azerbaijan with more than 800 million worth of military equipment over the past 6-7 years. I mean, this administration is absolutely complicit in genocide, and their attitude is nothing short of shameful.

Every high-ranking member official—from President Biden to Secretary of State Blinken to the US Ambassador to Armenia and the Ambassador to Azerbaijan, who recently visited Artsakh and did not speak about the genocide and blockade imposed by Azerbaijan—is complicit.

The US was shamefully silent throughout the entire blockade, only providing minor humanitarian aid. So it is worse than disappointing. In other words, they are actively complicit in the crime,” said Khachikyan.

When asked whether the US government supports Nikol Pashinyan’s regime, Khachigian replied that it is clearly true.

“You know, they pushed Pashinyan toward a policy of appeasement. How can you relax when a gun is held to your head? I mean, the US must demand from Azerbaijan to give up, stop demanding territories from Armenia, leave Artsakh, and allow the Armenians to return. And again, the Biden administration guides Pashinyan to conduct this policy, but this is not an excuse. Yes, I believe that the Biden administration supports Pashinyan.”