Kev Orkian: Azerbaijan’s one concept is to annihilate all Armenians from this planet

February 23 2024, 19:21

Opinion | Politics

The Azeri government and certainly their leader Aliyev are very much in favor of annihilating and just getting rid of all Armenians from this planet, actor Kev Orkian said in an interview with Alpha News.

“Azerbaijan’s one concept is to annihilate all Armenians from this planet. With all due respect, Hitler tried it, Stalin tried it, and Genghis Khan tried it. You know a lot of people tried it. You know there is humanity and there is non-humanity, and I think the Azeri government—not necessarily people, by the way—and certainly their leader Aliyev are very much in favor of annihilating and just getting rid of all Armenians from this planet. And that mindset is a very cancerous mindset; it’s a very barbaric mindset, so it’s not about kind of explaining to someone, no, you can’t do this, it’s about removing someone from that power,” Orkian said.

He stressed that even the Azeri people do not have freedom of choice.

“Unfortunately, only a few days ago, Aliyev went into power again for the fifth year, and for me, it just shows you that even the Azeri people don’t have the freedom of choice; it’s all down, it’s all corrupt, it’s a dictatorship. But at some point, what you put out, you get back. I look forward to watching that happens to him one day,” Orkian concluded.