Main outcome of this attack is that Israel has lost its impunity, journalist on Iran’s attack on Israel 

April 16 2024, 10:56

Opinion | Politics

Speaking with Alpha News, international journalist Abbas Juma commented on Iran’s attack on Israel.

“In the context of Iran’s attack on Israel, I would especially pay attention to the comment by the commander-in-chief of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC). They changed the equation, he said, and now this will be the exact response to any Israeli aggression. Why is this so important? Because it reveals the essence of Iran’s attack. This is not just revenge, this is not just a response to Israel’s attack on the Iranian consulate in Damascus. This is, first of all, the introduction of a new variable, a new option that Iran has. This is a new measure—Iran’s direct, forceful influence on Israel, which has not happened before. In other words, the IRG commander-in-chief said, ‘Friends, if you are being impudent, we will beat you’,” Juma noted.

According to the international journalist, the main outcome of this attack is that Israel has lost its main advantage, which is impunity.

“This didn’t happen before. Iran used to attack with the help of its proxies, and Israel had a full sense of impunity. Today, the main outcome of this attack is that Israel has lost its main advantage, its impunity. There is no longer any hope for either American air defense or an international reaction, because we saw that few people condemned it; first of all, Russia very clearly articulated its position. Iran had a legitimate right to respond and protect its own national interests, and Iran took advantage of this right,” Juma concluded.