Maxim Atayants: The goal of the current government of Armenia is its destruction

June 20 2024, 12:20


Speaking with Alpha News, Russian architect and artist Maxim Atayants expressed his opinion regarding the movement of Archbishop Bagrat Galstanyan, shared concerns about the fate of Armenia, and also spoke about the history of the construction of a temple in an Artsakh village.

“I really want Archbishop Bagrat to succeed. This is a matter of the survival of the people. Everything could end up in the same situation as it was in the 17th and 18th centuries. I really would not like it to happen.

Now, after this deep, almost century-long Soviet freeze, we are right in the middle of the situation that occurred from, relatively speaking, the beginning of the 1900s, with a peak in 1915 and until 1920–1922. Now, when this disintegration of the Soviet Union happened, the same story of the cleansing of Armenians continues from the same place,” Atayants said.

According to him, Azerbaijan is following in the footsteps of Turkey in the destruction of Armenian cultural monuments.

“Of course, we see what happened in Soviet times—a continuously planned, state-sponsored policy to appropriate heritage and destroy what, so to speak, cannot be appropriated. There are very good teachers here, such as Turkey (in Azerbaijan), but Turkey now seems to have calmed down because some things are even taken under the protection of UNESCO as monuments, but at the same time most of them are being destroyed. This is an ongoing process. Here I have the most pessimistic views,” the architect said.

Maxim Atayants does not see any contradictions between the actions of the Armenian authorities in favor of Turkish-Azerbaijani interests.

“If you imagine that the goal of the current Armenian leadership is the disappearance of the Armenian state or its transformation into a protectorate of Turkey in part and, so to speak, the surrender of the rest to Azerbaijan, then this is very logical, starting from the lies that were told in 2018 and until today. So, this is neither paradox nor irrationality. This is a very clear position. When Robert Kocharyan was asked if it is true that Pashinyan is a Turkish agent, he said, I cannot know this, but all his actions and words show that he may be an agent.’ What else can you add here?” he told Alpha News.