MEP: Not only France but also all of Europe should support Armenia in resisting Azerbaijan

March 01 2024, 18:24

Opinion | Politics

French MEP François Alfonsi told Alpha News that he thinks Azerbaijan may soon launch a new attack against Armenia, and the only thing that can prevent Azerbaijan’s desire to attack is the joint support of Europe, as well as the United States and, why not, Russia.

According to Alfonsi, Russia is now closer to Azerbaijan than to Armenia.

“Russia, after all, is not against Aliyev. Europe must provide Armenia with more support than it currently does. Some initiatives, such as the monitoring mission, are good, but they are not enough. If we do not equalize the forces between Armenia and Azerbaijan, I believe Aliyev will feel free to launch a new attack, as he did with Nagorno-Karabakh,” the MEP noted.

He added that Aliyev’s agenda is clear: the troops of the Azerbaijani army are already located on the territory of Armenia, and preparations for an attack are only a matter of time. The only thing that can stop him is the Armenian army being prepared for resistance. Alfonsi noted that these opportunities will not be provided within the framework of the alliance agreement that Armenia currently has with Russia, which means Armenia needs a new agreement with Europe.

He noted that France has begun to provide military support to Armenia, and other EU member states should also join.

When asked whether France would send its troops to defend Armenia, Alfonsi said that, as in the case of Ukraine, the only army that will fight is the Armenian army. “Our participation is providing the means for resistance,” he said.