Mher Simonyan: Don’t scare us with war, Kirants is a heroic village and Azeris will not enter here

April 03 2024, 18:00


Near the village of Kirants in Tavush province, there is one of the four villages claimed by Azerbaijan, the so-called Kheyrimli. If this village comes under Azerbaijan’s control, Kirants will become the direct target of the enemy.

“We will not be able to cross this bridge. For example, we would have to drive on a dirt road through the forest to get to Ijevan. This border should remain as it always has been. Nobody should resolve our issues instead of us. We have 800 hectares of land occupied by Azerbaijan. If they return this land, we will also give this land, if not, let it stay as it is. Stop muddying the waters; stop saying there will be a war if we don’t surrender. Stop scaring us with war. Kirants is a heroic village, and Azeris will not enter here,” a resident of Kirants told Alpha News.