Mourad Papazian: It is wrong to think that France will be able to send troops to Armenia

May 25 2024, 13:45


Speaking with Alpha News, Mourad Papazian, ARF Bureau member and co-chair of the Coordination Council of Armenian Organizations in France, touched upon the question of whether France will help Armenia in the event of a possible military clash.

“France has military cooperation with Armenia and is ready to go to great lengths if Armenia itself is ready to accept it. But it is clear that the South Caucasus is not a western zone, it is not a zone of France. It is wrong to think that France will be able to send troops to Armenia,” Papazian emphasized.

According to Papazian, the authorities are the root of all the problems existing in the country.

“It is very clear that when Armenia declares that Artsakh is part of Azerbaijan, France cannot have the opposite discourse diplomatically. Macron did not understand why we defend Artsakh’s independence so strongly, but the Armenian authorities are pursuing the opposite policy. Macaron twice stated that Pashinyan was a problem. If Pashinyan’s demands do not meet the demands of the diaspora, France is forced to respect the demands of Armenia. The problem is the country’s authorities,” Mourad Papazian said.

He added that France is the only European state that really wants to protect Armenia’s interests but cannot go further due to the actions of the Armenian government.