Opening Initiative demands the RA Foreign Ministry and the EU to urgently appeal to the UN Security Council

September 05 2023, 16:28


On September 6, about 10 members of the Opening civil initiative held protests in front of the RA Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the EU office in Yerevan. They demand an urgent appeal to the UN Security Council so that the latter adopts a resolution to end the humanitarian crisis in Artsakh.

The protesters sent their demand in the form of a letter to the RA Foreign Ministry and the EU office in Yerevan.

“The blockade imposed by Azerbaijan has put the Armenian people of Artsakh in front of inhuman difficulties, depriving them of fundamental human rights and creating a humanitarian disaster,” the letter says.

The members of the initiative also proposed points that should be central in the UN Security Council resolution such as opening the Berdzor corridor, delivering humanitarian aid via that route, holding Azerbaijan accountable for its actions, and recognizing the rights of the Armenian people of Artsakh.

“Timely actions are extremely important to prevent further deterioration of the humanitarian situation. Alternative ways weaken the free expression of the people of Artsakh and legitimize the fact that Azerbaijan and its sponsors have blocked the vital corridor, changing the essence of the problem from a political one to a purely humanitarian one,” the letter says.

Earlier, the members of Opening civil initiative held protests in front of the embassies of Russia, USA, France, Great Britain, and China.