Paolo Pirjanian’s Moxie robot receives top prize at CES 2024 Innovation Awards

January 11 2024, 20:45

Armenians | Economy and Business

The Moxie robot produced by Paolo Pirjanian’s Embodied Inc. received the top prize in the AI category at the CES 2024 Innovation Awards in Las Vegas.

Paolo Pirjanian is an Armenian who was born in Iran and fled to Denmark as a teenager. Since he was young, he has been fascinated by computers and coding. After getting his PhD in Robotics, Paolo became one of the first leaders in the field of consumer robotics.

He worked at NASA JPL and led world-class teams and companies in iRobot®, Evolution Robotics®, and others.

Embodied, Inc. is an industry-leading robotics and AI company creating state-of-the-art companion robots to revolutionize human-centric care and wellness by enhancing quality of life for individuals and families.