Pashinyan: Highways, pipelines and cables must enter Turkey from Azerbaijan through Armenia

March 26 2024, 14:46


In an interview with the Greek Kathimerini, Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan stated that highways, railways, pipelines, power transmission lines, and cables must enter Turkey from Azerbaijan through Armenia.

“The contribution to the establishment of lasting peace and stability in the South Caucasus is a top priority for the Republic of Armenia. In the process of the desired change, Armenia stresses the need to remove the blockade of infrastructure in the region,” Pashinyan said.

According to him, the “Crossroads of Peace” project includes, inter alia, a significant increase in the capacity to transport goods, cars, electricity transmission pipelines, and Internet cables between the Black Sea on the one hand and the Persian Gulf as well as the Gulf of Oman on the other, passing through the territories of Armenia.

“The project also envisages the creation of a rail link between the above-mentioned final destinations, which is possible if Armenia-Azerbaijan relations are normalized. It should be remembered that the optimal railway route from Georgia entering Armenia and continuing to the Islamic Republic of Iran passes through Nakhichevan, Azerbaijan, which has existed since the Soviet Union. This is the north-south wing of the ‘Crossroads of Peace’.

Still, there is the east-west wing, which can connect the Caspian Sea to the Mediterranean Sea, as well as the Turkish Black Sea ports through the territory of Armenia. For this, highways, railways, pipelines, power transmission lines, and cables must enter Turkey from Azerbaijan through Armenia. And we are ready to provide such solutions,” Pashinyan said.