Pashinyan’s entire strategy is aimed at severing ties with Russia, expert says

June 06 2024, 12:05


Speaking with Alpha News, military expert Boris Rozhin commented on Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Mikhail Galuzin’s statement that Armenia’s rash steps may make it impossible to return to joint work around a common defense system with Russia and other CSTO countries.

“The entire strategy that is being implemented by Pashinyan and his entourage is aimed at a consistent severance of ties with Russia, including withdrawal from the Collective Security Treaty Organization at the appropriate moment. They need to do this in a way that will allow them to blame Russia.

“Armenia is consistently opting out of the CSTO, which is manifested at the diplomatic level in various statements and actions of the current Armenian leadership,” Rozhin said.

According to the expert, the statements of the Russian Foreign Ministry are aimed at showing that it is the Pashinyan regime that is making efforts to withdraw Armenia from the CSTO.

“The statements of the Russian Foreign Ministry and a number of other similar statements are aimed at showing that it is not Russia that is the initiator of these actions, but it is the Pashinyan regime that is making efforts to withdraw Armenia from the CSTO. The reason for this lies in the fact that Pashinyan is focused strictly on the West. Of course, there are various difficulties associated with the resistance of the Armenian population, which understands that this policy will lead to further territorial and other losses. However, as we see, the current authorities are quite easily ready to abandon both Karabakh with the Armenians living there and the settlements on the border with Azerbaijan,” Rozhin noted.

“The Russian Foreign Ministry quite logically says that it is Armenia’s actions that lead to its withdrawal from the CSTO. This, of course, will seriously affect Armenia’s security,” Rozhin concluded.