Pashinyan’s regime is preparing for complete break with Russia, says political scientist 

March 02 2024, 14:00

Opinion | Politics

Speaking with Alpha News, Russian political scientist Dmitry Rodionov commented on the news that the presence of Russian border guards at Zvartnots airport is on the agenda of the ruling party of Armenia.

According to the political scientist, this is not about the border guards but about the destruction of symbols of friendship with Russia.

“This is not the first such unfriendly step on the part of Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan’s regime. This all fits into the general series of the latest steps that the Armenian leadership is taking. So, there is nothing to be surprised about or to be indignant about. Here, you need to understand that all this is a general plan, the goal of which is the complete withdrawal of Russia from the Transcaucasian region.

This is not even about the border guards, who, naturally, do not bother anyone, but about the destruction of symbols of friendship with Russia and the destruction of the faith of the Armenian people that Russia can be a guarantor of security, with Pashinyan’s officials trying to say otherwise over the past few years. They regularly repeat, like a mantra, that Russia cannot guarantee security for Armenia,” Rodionov said.

According to the political scientist, the next steps will be the exit from the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO) and the withdrawal of the Russian military base from Armenia.

“That is, first the symbols are removed, then faith is destroyed. After this, things will come to a real exit from the CSTO—not to a freeze, but to an official exit. And, of course, the next step will be the withdrawal of the Russian military base from Armenia. All this cannot be done quickly because people will be indignant and will not understand. Society still has pro-Russian sentiments, but with such small steps, Pashinyan’s regime is preparing for a complete break with Russia,” Rodionov concluded.