Peskov: Putin and Pashinyan will be able to personally discuss issues in the countries’ relations

April 10 2024, 14:46


Russian President Vladimir Putin and Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan will be able to personally discuss all issues in the two countries’ relations in the foreseeable future, Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov told TASS.

“We hope that in the foreseeable future, the presidents will have an opportunity to personally discuss the issues if they are on the agenda,” the Kremlin spokesperson said.

According to Peskov, Armenia is Russia’s close partner and ally, and the importance of bilateral relations can hardly be overestimated.

“You know that Armenia is our close partner; it is our ally. It is a country with which we are united both by many integration formats and, of course, by historical bilateral relations, humanitarian relations, the importance of which can hardly be overestimated. Of course, some problems may arise in such a close dialogue,” he said.