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Does the IMF want to get the tidbits of the Armenian economy?

June 21 2024, 12:43


Dear friends, you have definitely heard about a company like Burisma. This is a private gas production group of companies in Ukraine, in which Hunter Biden was a member of the board of directors in 2014.

A few years ago, the information was leaked that Joe Biden, back in 2016, while serving as vice president of the United States, called for the dismissal of the Prosecutor General of Ukraine, Viktor Shokin, who began investigating the activities of Burisma, an investigation directly affecting the activities of his son Hunter Biden. The International Monetary Fund also demanded the resignation of the Ukrainian Prosecutor General, The Wall Street Journal wrote about this back in 2019. This situation has once again proved that the IMF is not an independent structure but serves the interests of the American ruling class, consisting mainly of representatives of multinational corporations and politicians serving them.

They wanted to dismiss Shokin not for the reason that he “interfered with the development of democracy in Ukraine,” but because his activities contradicted the interests of individual elites from the United States and their service personnel from the IMF. Today, when the IMF advises the Armenian government to sell shares of large companies—and the state currently has shares in companies such as Zangezur Copper-Molybdenum Combine, Amulsar mine (Lydian Armenia), as well as the Viva-MTS mobile operator—it does this not due to the desire to help the government in the performance of its functions, but because, obviously, there are buyers for shares in these companies. And it is obvious that these buyers are not from BRICS or the EAEU.

We should always try to understand the criticism and proposals of our Western partners correctly—they criticize Vahe Ghazaryan for using flash grenades on June 12 outside the Parliament building not out of love for the protesters but for the reason that our Western friends (especially “collective Soros”) have long wanted to get the post of Interior Minister, and the June 12 events are a good reason to criticize the minister. Rest assured, if on June 12, the Interior Minister had been from “the Soros nest”, then not 10 or 20, but 200 and 300 flash grenades would have fallen on the heads of the protesters.

When the IMF says that “shares in certain companies do not help the government of Armenia in carrying out any tasks,” this does not mean that the “uncles and aunts” from the International Monetary Fund are concerned about the effectiveness of the work of the Pashyan government. They simply give him a signal that it is time to sell these shares to those whom the IMF points to.

After all, even they understand that Pashiyyan’s power is not eternal, and if Armenia continues to exist after him, it would be good to get hold of the maximum amount of economic assets.

And what do you think, Pashinyan, shouting about sovereignty left and right, will correctly understand the message from the IMF and sell shares in these companies to whom it is necessary?

Think about it…