Rep. Moulton: The Armenian people will rebuild just as they did in the aftermath of genocide

April 18 2024, 15:40


During the congressional stand for Artsakh’s survival and Armenia’s security, Rep. Seth Moulton (D-MA) said he was proud that Congress had recognized the Armenian Genocide.

“I’m proud that Congress has spoken the truth by recognizing the [Armenian] Genocide. And I’m proud that President Biden has done so as well. Yet another basic truth is that the suffering of the Armenian people has not ended. Again, the Armenian people were plunged into bloodshed after Azerbaijan’s attacks in 2020 and again in 2023,” said Rep. Moulton. “But just as they did in the aftermath of genocide, the Armenian people will rebuild. The Armenian people will preserve their vibrant culture. They will tell the truth, and they will prosper. And, the United States and this Congress will stand with them.”