‘Run, Nikol, without looking back!’: Saakashvili addresses Pashinyan with letter

December 06 2023, 14:13


Former Georgian President Mikhail Saakashvili addressed Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan on Facebook, urging him to “run.”

“Russia has banned the import of almost all Armenian agricultural goods and Armenian cognac. Well, those who love Armenian cognac in Kremlin will not limit themselves (after the embargo on Georgian wine, Georgian journalists were treated to wines in the Kremlin buffet without problems), and they don’t care about the opinion of ordinary Russians.

But this ban should turn on all the red lights for Pashinyan. It is not Armenian cognac that Putin dislikes. It is Pashinyan himself. And the embargo is another step in toppling him from power.

I want to reiterate this to the Prime Minister of Armenia. Dear Nikol, run. Run faster, without looking back, from the CSTO and from EurAsEC. Run to the European Union, NATO, and new regional alliances. But most importantly, run away from Russia, save yourself and Armenian statehood!

I’m sure it’s not too late. And stop dawdling and hesitating. Dawdling is like death!” the ex-president of Georgia said.