Russia does not accept Armenia’s reproaches about CSTO’s alleged failure

February 23 2024, 20:18


Russia categorically does not accept reproaches from the Armenian authorities about the CSTO’s alleged failure to fulfill its mandate and obligations towards Yerevan, the Russian Foreign Ministry told TASS.

“We would like to emphasize once again that we categorically do not accept the Armenian authorities’ reproaches about the CSTO’s alleged failure to fulfill its mandate and obligations towards Yerevan during the well-known events in the region that took place in 2021 and 2022,” the Foreign Ministry said.

Russia expects detailed explanations from Armenia through bilateral channels to clarify the meaning of the words of Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan about “freezing the country’s participation” in the CSTO.

Russia acts on the premise that Armenia continues to be a full member of the CSTO.

According to the Russian Foreign Ministry, Armenia pointedly chose to invite pseudo-observers from the EU instead of the CSTO mission. Moscow hopes that Yerevan will come to an understanding that the existing concerns should be addressed in a trust-based dialogue.