Russia sends 7 tons of humanitarian aid to Armenia’s flood-hit areas

June 28 2024, 19:26


The Russian Humanitarian Mission has delivered 7 tons of humanitarian aid to Akhtala and Karkop in Armenia’s flood-hit Lori region, the press center of Rossotrudnichestvo in Armenia reported.

“An electric generator was sent to Akhtala for the local Health Center, 500 humanitarian kits with food and personal hygiene products were also delivered. Part was given out at pre-arranged places, the other part was delivered to specific addresses for the elderly and persons with disabilities,” the press center added.

On May 26, heavy rains caused the Debed and Aghstev rivers to overflow in Armenia’s Lori region, killing three people, flooding the homes of hundreds of residents, and blocking the interstate road to Georgia. Train traffic on the Ayrum-Sanahin section was also interrupted due to damage to railroad tracks. The railroad connection was restored with Russia’s assistance.