Russian Embassy hopes act of vandalism in Yerevan will receive appropriate legal assessment

January 30 2024, 17:20

Culture | Politics

The Russian Embassy in Armenia issued a statement on the act of vandalism at the monument to the children of besieged Leningrad in Yerevan.

“We are deeply outraged by the cynical provocation at the monument to the children of besieged Leningrad. It is difficult to regard such actions as anything other than an obvious desecration of the memory of the victims of this tragedy and the heroes who defended the city.

The author of the video did not trample on the wreaths laid at the memorial in connection with the 80th anniversary of the complete liberation of Leningrad from the Nazi blockade. He trampled the tribute of respect and gratitude to the best features of the Armenian people, which they symbolize.

The degree of immorality of those who publicly express disregard not only for those tragic events and their victims but also for the memory of their own ancestors is beyond comprehension. According to researchers, more than 100,000 Armenians were among the defenders of Leningrad, with 4,000 being volunteers and ten of them being awarded the titles of Hero of the Soviet Union.

We are glad that the Armenian public shares our view, as evidenced by the mass indignation on social media regarding this disgraceful act.

The Embassy expresses the hope that these actions will receive an appropriate legal assessment from the Armenian authorities, and the persons involved in this provocation will be held accountable,” the embassy said in a statement.

Earlier, there were reports that the wreaths placed at the monument in Yerevan dedicated to the children of besieged Leningrad had been toppled.