Samvel Danielyan and Bagrat Srbazan’s warm greeting shocked the authorities – Gevorg Tamamyan

May 16 2024, 10:23

Opinion | Politics

Samvel Danielyan, director of the Yolyan Hematology Center, was sacked for joining Tavush for the Homeland movement and hugging Bagrat Srbazan.

Gevorg Tamamyan, head of the Pediatric Cancer and Blood Disorders Center of Armenia, told Alpha News that this warm greeting shocked the authorities.

“The reason for firing Samvel Danielyan was his warm greeting to Bagrat Srbazan, which apparently shocked the country’s leadership. Even though Dr. Danielyan’s contract was expiring in July and he was not even going to participate in the new competition, they decided to mistreat such a distinguished doctor, specialist, and director and fire him.

It was an order from above, and the Health Ministry just followed it, but Dr. Danielyan has done so much for this country,” Gevorg Tamamyan said.

Tamamyan supported the movement led by Bagrat Srbazan from the very first day.

“I have been participating in the movement from the moment it reached Yerevan. Moreover, before that, I went and warmly greeted Srbazan, because I consider him to be one of the greatest Armenians, and it is a great honor for me to know such a person. I will support him as much as I can because all this is done for the sake of Armenia and our statehood. Bagrat Srbazan also contributed to pediatric oncology in Armenia. Two years ago, he established a rehabilitation center for children who survived cancer in Tavush,” he noted.

Tamamyan stressed his firm commitment to participating in the marches and rallies, and no one can stop him from doing this.