Sarineh Abrahamian: Artsakh page is not closed

March 27 2024, 12:04


The Artsakh page is not closed, Sarineh Abrahamian, the PR and Communication Officer of the European Armenian Federation for Justice and Democracy (EAFJD), told Alpha News.

She commented on the ‘Geopolitical Developments in the South Caucasus: Focus on Armenia and Artsakh’ roundtable discussion held in the Belgian Senate at the initiative of the EAFJD.

“For us, Artsakh remains a priority issue; the Artsakh page is not closed, and we continue to work in all political circles to raise awareness about the Artsakh issue so that it will be on the agenda in Europe, Belgium, especially given the fact that the European Union is chaired by Belgium today. As you know, every six months, an EU member state assumes the presidency, and the presidency is currently held by Belgium. In this regard, this is a very important initiative that happened with the support of Senator Mark Demesmaeker, who is also the Head of the Inter-Parliamentary Union with Georgia and Armenia,” Sarineh Abrahamian said.

According to her, the discussion touched upon what happened to the Armenian people after 2020.

“It was important that it was Mark Demesmaeker who initiated the discussion together with us, and it was mainly important for us to make a comprehensive analysis of what happened after 2020: the 44-day war, then Azerbaijan’s attacks on the sovereign territory of Armenia, and, of course, the tragic event for all of us, the September attacks, as a result of which the Armenians were forcibly displaced from Artsakh,” she said.

She noted that their goal is to put pressure on the Belgian government.

“One of the important speakers was the chair of the foreign affairs committee of the Belgian Federal Parliament, who has a lot to say in this regard. One of the responsibilities of Parliament is to put pressure on the Belgian government. All speakers also have their leverage; the legislative body has its own leverage to exert pressure on the executive body. The fact that Belgium holds the presidency in the EU is also important because it can help make this a matter of the EU agenda,” Sarineh Abrahamian concluded.