Senator Andrey Klimov: The situation in Karabakh is the result of the activities of the Armenian authorities

September 21 2023, 11:50


Russian senator Andrey Klimov commented to Alpha News on the situation in Nagorno-Karabakh.

In his opinion, the situation in Nagorno-Karabakh has developed as a result of the activities of the current leadership of Armenia.

“The current leadership of Armenia tried to find its own special way to resolve a problem, the roots of which go back to the Soviet Union. It was obvious from the very beginning that the so-called Karabakh problem could be resolved through close cooperation between Azerbaijan, Armenia and Russia. This was due both historically and geographically. But the current leadership of Armenia tried to find some other supporters and retreated from the objective state of affairs. By and large, besides Russia, there is not a single state in the world that could guarantee Armenia its sovereignty and territorial integrity. But the current authorities apparently have a different opinion.

What’s done is done. Pashinyan publicly admitted that Nagorno-Karabakh is an integral part of Azerbaijan, and Azerbaijan, taking this into account, began to act more actively than it had acted before,” the senator said.

According to Klimov, Russian peacekeepers were deployed precisely to prevent hostilities from breaking out.

“They help the parties maintain a situation of either a truce or peace. They are there due to the tripartite decision. It is one thing to reach an agreement on cessation of hostilities, but quite another is to deploy peacekeepers. If there is a need for them, and in my opinion, there is, then the parties must agree for them to remain there. Now we are concerned that there will be shooting. The leadership of our country has direct contacts with both Baku and Yerevan,” the politician noted.

According to the senator, unfortunately, there are people interested in having a conflict there.

“There are people interested in having a conflict there. These people add fuel to the fire, and will do so as long as they are allowed to do so. A ceasefire is important to stop any casualties, destruction, suffering of those people who live in the conflict zone,” concluded Andrey Klimov.