Setrag Balian: We will not cede a single centimeter of the Cows’ Garden

April 05 2024, 12:36


The other day, the police, together with a group of settlers, invaded the Cows’ Garden and tried to illegally demolish the security posts located there, Setrag Balian, Founder of the Save the ARQ movement, told Alpha News.

“We are currently in the northern area of the Cows’ Garden. Armenian youth and security officers of the Armenian Patriarchate are on round-the-clock duty here. There are currently two trials going on in Israeli courts, and it is prohibited to make any changes to the area. However, the police, again showing bias, invaded the territory and illegally demolished these security posts,” Balian said.

He assures that they are not going to cede a single centimeter of the Cows’ Garden territory.

“Fortunately, no one is arrested, and our young people are not seriously injured. But still, we will continue our struggle. We are on duty now, we will not give up and will not cede a single centimeter of this territory,” Balian concluded.