‘The just anger of people will force this traitor to resign’: Armine Arshakuni

May 16 2024, 14:30


We are fighting so that these traitors leave and let us live in peace in our country, protester Armine Arshakuni told Alpha News.

“I joined this movement for my homeland and my nation. We are fighting so that these traitors leave and let us live in peace in our country. I hope that even those who are not involved in politics will join the movement led by Srbazan. After traitor Nikol’s statement that we could have achieved this result without casualties, we should rise up. He should not have ruled anymore after this statement. The Civil Contract members are just Nikol’s backpacks, and they have no right to make decisions. Nikol himself said, let’s try to live with Azerbaijanis again and see what happens. The person who makes these statements cannot rule, and the just anger of the people will force this traitor to resign. We all have to stand up and fight. We have to ask ourselves: if not me, then who should fight for our land, for our nation?” the protester said.