There is a chance for normalization of Russian-Armenian relations – Alexey Anpilogov

August 23 2024, 22:17

Opinion | Politics

Speaking with Alpha News, Russian political scientist Alexey Anpilogov commented on the phone conversation between Russian President Vladimir Putin and Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan.

According to the expert, there is a chance for the normalization of Russian-Armenian relations despite all these negative trends.

“I believe that, after all, there is no need to write off the chance for normalization of Russian-Armenian relations, despite all these negative trends that are clearly visible in statements and actions. In general, I believe that the mediation in the peace process that Russia can really offer will take into account the maximum interests of the two sides and do it in the long term. Now, as we know, Russia, for example, has offered its assistance in the delimitation of borders as a kind of arbitration factor, which really has—I know this myself—general staff maps, where you can see down to every field how the border passed in Soviet times.

This will be a certain deterrent for the Azerbaijani side, which now often insists on a unilateral revision of the borders, so that only Baku’s opinion is taken into account in the delimitation of the future border between Azerbaijan and Armenia. Well, there are a number of other points where Russia’s assistance can really be invaluable and unique—something that neither the European Union nor the United States can offer in any way, simply because these countries have never been involved in Transcaucasian policy,” Anpilogov said.

According to the expert, Pashinyan needs to protect the interests of long-term Armenia rather than some of his personal positions.

“I think that it is not public diplomacy, which, apparently, was also on the agenda of the visit of the Russian President to Azerbaijan, that serves as a factor of trust, which now needs to be restored between the two sides of the negotiation process, if both Azerbaijan and Armenia actually strive for lasting peace. Here is the figure of the mediator, who can convey certain positions that are not public, not mentioned in official negotiations. It is very important.

I hope that Pashinyan will take steps to protect the interests of long-term Armenia rather than some personal positions as a politician and accept that the president of Russia will always have channels of communication with the Azerbaijani side, which Armenia cannot have in principle. These channels are the principles of diplomacy. You have to talk to everyone. And if you say that you will not conduct diplomatic work with someone, then you immediately limit your maneuver space, which can simply turn into a disastrous path leading nowhere,” Anpilogov concluded.