‘This is not beneficial for the Armenian state’: expert on withdrawal of Russian troops from five Armenian regions

May 10 2024, 09:57


Speaking with Alpha News, Andrey Klimov, Deputy Chair of Russia’s Federation Council Committee on Foreign Affairs, commented on the withdrawal of Russian border guards from Tavush, Syunik, Vayots Dzor, Gegharkunik, and Ararat regions, where they were deployed during and after the 44-day war.

According to him, the Armenian authorities are under the hypnosis of external forces that, least of all, think about the safety of the Armenian people.

“This shows me that, apparently, the current Armenian government was not very interested in having our border guards there. The current government acts in such a way that I get the impression that they are under the hypnosis of external forces and, least of all, think about the happiness and safety of the Armenian people. I know that until now, our border troops in this particular case were stationed on the territory of Armenia due to the fact that the previous leaders wanted to strengthen the security of their country and protect it from various kinds of external challenges. Well, the current authorities probably want to do everything differently,” Klimov said.

According to Klimov, all this is not beneficial for the Armenian state and its people.

“It is difficult for me to understand the behavior of Mr. Pashinyan because he spends a significant part of his time in conversations with unfriendly states, after which he makes decisions that, from my personal point of view, cannot serve the long-term interests of the Armenian people. Our border guards are citizens of Russia, and if the current leaders do not need them, then what should we do? We cannot stay there forcibly. In my personal opinion, all this is not beneficial for the Armenian state and its people in the long term,” Klimov concluded.