‘UN will not react to this’: expert on Lemkin Institute’s call to withdraw support for Azerbaijan as COP29 host

June 07 2024, 09:52

Opinion | Politics

Speaking with Alpha News, Head of the Institute of Eastern Europe and CIS in Israel Alexander Tsinker commented on the Lemkin Institute’s statement calling the UN not to hold the COP29 in Azerbaijan and to stop supporting Baku.

According to the expert, the Lemkin Institute will not receive any reaction from the UN.

“The UN will not react to this statement, or the reaction will be as follows: since within the framework of the UN system there is no decision to declare Azerbaijan an aggressor and prohibit any relations with this country or impose sanctions, there will be no international reaction to this. The UN reacts only when some of its institutions, committees, or courts make decisions. Only decisions of the UN Security Council are binding. If this did not happen, the reactions are very often the same,” Tsinker said.

“Armenia also appealed to the UN amid the conflict with Azerbaijan and received in response the reaction: let’s live in peace, we call on both sides to be patient, to search for solutions, and so on. So, this is just pretense. I believe the response to the call from the Lemkin Institute will be the same, if there is any reaction at all. However, I could be wrong. If there is some reaction in support of Armenia, I will be only happy,” Tsinker concluded.