Union of Russian Armenians concerned over irresponsible course pursued by Armenian authorities 

March 27 2024, 13:56


The board meeting of the Union of Russian Armenians was led by the organization’s head Ara Abrahamyan on March 26.

The meeting focused on issues related to the situation in Armenia, the tasks of the Diaspora and the Union as its largest organization in Russia amid the deterioration of Armenian-Russian relations.

The speakers expressed concern and disagreement with the irresponsible course and Russophobic sentiments pursued by the Armenian authorities, which lead to the deterioration of Armenian-Russian relations and can have a negative impact not only on the citizens living in Armenia but also on the nearly 3-million-strong Armenian community in Russia, which has always had close ties with its historical homeland and has been providing substantial support to it for decades.

Touching upon the situation in Russia after the terrorist act in the concert hall, Abrahamyan called on the regional branches to be vigilant and to suppress any possible provocative attempts to bring a split in the interethnic peace and harmony in the country. He thanked the regional branches that have shown their solidarity and support to those affected by the terrorist attack.