Vardan Voskanyan: The expansion of EAEU-Iran relations is in the interests of Armenia

December 27 2023, 10:45

Opinion | Politics

Armenian-Iranian relations should develop in two areas. Firstly, these are bilateral relations, and secondly, Armenia is the only EAEU member state that has a land border with Iran; this area is also extremely important. Iranist Vardan Voskanyan said this in a conversation with Alpha News.
“Actually, Armenia can become the link that will connect the entire economic and geopolitical space of the EAEU countries with Iran. The Iranian side has detected this. That is, Iran views Armenian-Iranian relations in precisely these two components. Therefore, the expansion of Iran’s relations with the EAEU is in the interests of Armenia, especially considering that today Armenia needs security. One of the economic components for ensuring this security could be precisely the increase and strengthening of Armenia’s role in EAEU-Iran relations. In this sense, a new format of relations between the EAEU and Iran meets the interests of Armenia,” Voskanyan noted.

According to the Iranist, India is also interested in having at least one branch of the North-South transport hub pass through the territory of Armenia.

“In general, in the context of the North-South transport hub, the project is focused on India. The Indian side, especially after the 44-day war, given Pakistan’s active participation in allied relations with Azerbaijan, is extremely interested in at least one branch of the North-South transport hub passing through the territory of Armenia. That is, India is interested in Armenia being involved in this international program. Iran is also interested in this issue, so I think that Armenia should not pay attention to Lukashenko’s statements and should promote its own agenda.

The North-South transport corridor and the Persian and Black Sea Gulfs can also become the most important links in ensuring security for Armenia. We can say that everything depends on us,” Voskanyan emphasized.

According to him, Armenia must advance its agenda, and it has the capabilities to provide one of the most important components for its security.

“Anyone can make statements. Another thing is that Armenia itself, as an initiative party, should be extremely active in this issue and carry out work in this direction. The signing of the so-called ‘peace treaty’ is actually impossible, given the hostile nature of the Azerbaijani-Turkish alliance. Therefore, for Armenia, it is vital and quite realistic that we participate in North-South processes both in the economic and communication sectors, as well as in the further expansion of strategic alliances. I reiterate that Armenia must advance its agenda, and this agenda has the opportunity to bring not only economic benefits to our state but also to ensure one of the most important components of our security,” the Iranist concluded.