Varuzhan Geghamyan: All their forces are concentrated in Syunik to serve the Turkish agenda

September 21 2023, 10:21


If until this moment only half of the forces were concentrated in the direction of Syunik, now they will concentrate all the forces to serve the Turkish agenda, Turkologist Varuzhan Geghamyan said on Alpha News live.

“The leaders and the highest military representatives of Turkiye and Azerbaijan say about it directly, claiming that they have greater ambitions than what is defined as the Artsakh issue, they have territorial ambitions towards Armenia. It also stems from regional, social and political interests, which imply the continuous weakening of the Armenian political factor in the region, that is, the destruction of the Armenian state,” Geghamyan said.

According to the Turkologist, what the de facto government of the Republic of Armenia is doing is illegal, because the Republic of Armenia is officially the guarantor of Artsakh’s security.

“No RA official has the right to recognize Artsakh as part of Azerbaijan. We have the decision of 1992 adopted by the National Assembly. It contradicts the Main Law of the Republic of Armenia, because the Declaration of Independence, which is the basis of the Constitution, states that our state’s purpose is the reunification of Artsakh with the Republic of Armenia. Therefore, this is also a violation from a legal point of view. After November 9, 2020, the de facto RA government openly refused to participate in the discussion of the fate of Artsakh, turning the issue of Artsakh from political into social,” Geghamyan said.

According to Geghamyan, if we look at the Artsakh issue in a broader context, we see that we have an Armenian-Turkish conflict in the region, a part of which is currently in Artsakh. Before that, for example, it was Kars, Nakhichevan.