Varuzhan Geghamyan: It remains for this opposition to be transformed into political will and that political will to be imposed on the de facto National Assembly

June 10 2024, 17:19


The addressee of my protest is the National Assembly, Turkologist Varuzhan Geghamyan told Alpha News.

“I am here as a citizen of Armenia, a person who is concerned, a person who believes that not only do the current foreign and domestic policies not tackle the challenges we face but also completely contradict national and state interests. Therefore, I am trying to raise my voice of protest with this movement, and the addressee is first of all the National Assembly,” Geghamyan said.

Our interlocutor commented on public sentiments, saying that the majority opposes the policy.

“They are trying to do something good, but they fail. This is already a reason in a democratic country to resign, to leave, and to allow more capable and effective teams to become responsible for this situation.

Both sociological polls and simple monitoring of public sentiments show that the vast majority of Armenian society is against the current policy. It remains for this opposition to be sufficiently transformed into political will and that political will to be imposed on the de facto National Assembly,” Varuzhan Geghamyan concluded.