Varuzhan Geghamyan: The probability of an attack by Azerbaijan and Turkey on Armenia and Artsakh is very high

September 06 2023, 10:40

Opinion | Politics

The probability of large-scale military operations, or in other words, the attack of Azerbaijan and Turkiye on Armenia and Artsakh, is very high, PhD in History Varuzhan Geghamyan told Alpha News.

“The probability of an attack by Azerbaijan and Turkey on Armenia and Artsakh is very high. It is high every day since November 9, 2020. We regularly see that this probability increases or decreases depending on a number of factors. The key part of those factors is related to the foreign political or geopolitical regional situation. And the preparations of Azerbaijan and Turkey tell us that we are entering a new stage, where the probability is much higher,” Geghamyan said.

He emphasized that Azerbaijan announced the same thing in September 2020, saying that the troops transferred to Nakhichevan were for military exercises.

“In 2020, they were gathering troops in Nakhichevan, Turkiye is intensively transporting mercenaries from Syria. Azerbaijan denied it, saying these were just military exercises, but we warned. At that time, our observations were not accepted by the RA authorities.

However, it does not mean that the attack will happen one hundred percent. At the same time, we say that the probability is high and we should be vigilant,” Geghamyan noted.