Vitaly Milonov: While Pashinyan is running around Washington toilets, Armenia is weakening

April 03 2024, 10:55

Opinion | Politics

Russian politician and member of the State Duma Vitaly Milonov commented to Alpha News on the possible escalation of the war.

According to him, Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan’s position gives the other side hope that something can be stolen from Armenia.

“I have no doubt that many forces will now begin to develop a new stage of confrontation. Unfortunately, Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan’s position gives the other side hope that something can be stolen from Armenia. Now they are trying to steal more territories, claiming that these are historically Azerbaijani territories. This is all due to the fact that big changes are taking place in Turkey, and the Turkish people do not strongly support the aggressive position of current Azerbaijan and Turkey.

So someone decided to hurry up. This is another act of aggression against the country. Here we must take into account that all this became possible and all these problems began after Pashinyan came to power and made an open gate out of an impregnable rock,” Milonov said.

According to Milonov, Pashinyan is a second-class citizen for the West, and the West’s main partner is NATO, which is Turkey.

“I believe that as long as Pashinyan rules Armenia, Armenia is weakening. Instead of strengthening collective security, he is busy running around Washington toilets and buffets. In addition, Pashinyan also voluntarily renounces the Collective Security Treaty Organization and says that some other mythical foreign country will help Armenia. Why did this foreign country remain silent every time there were attacks on Armenian positions, when there was a 44-day war, and when there were the latest tragic events in Karabakh? Why then did this foreign country remain silent and allow all this to happen?

At the same time, Azerbaijan is now actively purchasing NATO weapons, and new contracts have been concluded on the supply of weapons to Azerbaijan. We must not forget that for his so-called friends from abroad, Pashinyan is a second-class citizen, and the main partner for them is NATO, that is, Turkey. So it is obvious which side NATO will be on,” Milonov concluded.