Vladimir Kireev: The escalation on the border occurred amid the meeting in Brussels

April 09 2024, 11:05

Opinion | Politics

Speaking with Alpha News, political scientist Vladimir Kireev commented on the new shelling of Armenia by Azerbaijan.

According to the expert, the escalation on the border occurred amid the meeting in Brussels.

“The escalation of the situation between Azerbaijan and Armenia, which resulted in a large-scale shooting on the border, occurred amid the meeting of Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken, and European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen in Brussels.

The meeting caused an angry reaction in Azerbaijan. Azerbaijan suspects the meeting participants of intending to impose their policy on the region, which would be directed against Azerbaijani and Turkish interests. This happens because the European Union actually takes an active part in regional politics to gain influence on Armenian foreign policy. The European Union and the United States are seeking to oust Russia from the region, in particular in order to have a springboard in Armenia for applying pressure on Iran and indirectly on Turkey,” Kireev said.

“This is a very irritating factor for Azerbaijan. This could lead to Pashinyan himself and his Western colleagues provoking a direct conflict.
Azerbaijan considers the intervention of Western countries as well as developing cooperation with India concerning,” Kireev emphasized.

According to the political scientist, in reality, the Russian military base and Russian border guards still remain a guarantee of Armenia’s security.

“This new situation, at the same time, gives Armenia new allies and new partners and also opens up a window of opportunity for a full-fledged new stage of the conflict. In fact, the guarantee of Armenia’s security still remains the Russian military base and Russian border guards, who are completely and consistently being pushed out as a security factor from regional policy and, most likely, will very quickly cease their presence in the region. For Russia, this policy looks ambiguous because it is quite clear that on the part of official Yerevan, cooperation with Russia will be minimized or may even be stopped altogether in favor of its direct enemies who are waging war with Russia,” Kireev concluded.