West and Russia have consensus to change Armenian leader, says political strategist 

March 02 2024, 13:07

Opinion | Politics

Speaking with Alpha News, political strategist Karen Kocharyan noted that external players want an election in Armenia.

“As long as these authorities have not yet realized that external players want an election in Armenia, it is dangerous for them. They were the ones who leaked such information. True, they did not say that there would be an election, but they did not deny it either. Two or three days ago, Alen Simonyan actually refuted this, saying that they are not running away from responsibility. This phrase, of course, sounds ridiculous from a force that is always responsible but is not to blame for anything.

They did not deny anything regarding the Constitution either. I have not heard that they said that they did not want to change it. At least, I have not heard a strong refutation, as was the case with regard to the election to the National Assembly. I believe that most likely, it is connected with opinion polls conducted to understand what rating the ruling party has. And the rating of the ruling party is falling every day, and quite rapidly,” Kocharyan emphasized.

According to the political strategist, there are more supporters of the ruling party in the regions than in the capital.

“In two years, when the next elections take place, the chances of the current administration will be zero. Now there are much more supporters of the authorities in the regions than in Yerevan. Apparently, they were going to hold elections to the National Assembly on the model of elections for the mayor and Yerevan City Council. I have information that they intended to hold elections but realized that they would not succeed since there was already a consensus both on the Western side and on the Russian side about changing at least the leader. If the next leader is from the ruling force, the first thing he will do is destroy everything from within. This is usually what happens. They do not hand over the power. Usually the one who changes it himself begins to destroy everything that exists,” the political strategist concluded.