Zelensky’s visit shows that Armenia sides with its ally’s enemy, expert says

February 27 2024, 12:10

Opinion | Politics

Zelensky’s visit does not show Armenia’s neutral position; rather, it shows who Armenia actually sides with, and it is difficult to predict any positive consequences from it, expert on international matters Sergey Melkonyan told Alpha News.

“The main positive consequence for us could be the West using pressure against Azerbaijan, the active supply of arms and ammunition to resist Turkey and Azerbaijan. However, these issues are not on their agenda,” Melkonyan emphasized.

According to Melkonyan, there are no specific restraining mechanisms to condemn the ethnic cleansing carried out by Azerbaijan, still occupied Armenian territories, and Azerbaijan’s ambitions towards the Armenian territory. “Relations will worsen not only with Russia but also with Iran, because Iran, according to the West, is on Russia’s side,” the expert added.

Melkonyan believes that Armenia will not be perceived as Russia’s enemy but rather as a country that accepts the enemy of its ally. “Russia officially says that it does not take any side in the Armenia-Azerbaijan conflict; it is neutral, but it supplied us with weapons during the war. Armenia also made this statement, but it actually sides with the enemy.”

When asked whether the attack against the Russian border guards was preparing the ground for Zelensk’’s visit, Melkonyan said that these developments may not be directly connected, but they are part of a chain.

“If Armenia expects support from the West, it should take open steps against Russia. One of those steps is that Armenia has frozen its participation in the CSTO and expects the support of the West,” the expert added.