Alpha News Survey: These elections are a mere formality, it is an unnecessary expenditure of the state budget

August 30 2023, 23:10

Opinion | Politics

Alpha News has conducted a survey in Yerevan, Moscow and Los Angeles to find out if our compatriots are following the Yerevan elections and whether these elections have political significance or they are purely local. Most of the respondents in Yerevan are interested in the elections to be held on September 17. Some of them have great expectations from the elections, while others are indifferent. They believe that they will not lead to serious changes. The majority of residents believe that council elections are of local importance.

“The significance of the council is purely administrative and economic, elections should not be mixed with politics,” a resident of Yerevan noted.

A woman also mentioned:

“There are local elections and it seems to me that Avinyan is doing a very normal job. I am the building manager, we will vote for Avinyan with the whole building and we will demand, because the former mayor changed one elevator, but did not change other three, so we will assign him to do it. This is what people want.”

One of the residents said:

“The decision-maker here is one person, Nikol Pashinyan. Whoever Pashinyan chooses will become the mayor. I think these elections are a mere formality, it is an unnecessary expenditure of the state budget.”

The elections of the Yerevan City Council will be held on September 17, with 14 political forces participating: 13 parties and 1bloc. See more in the video