Iran is in a state of waiting, Tehran has become a diplomatic crossroads – Aram Shahnazaryan

August 07 2024, 10:48


Iranian officials unanimously emphasize that they do not seek a full-scale war, Aram Shahnazaryan, editor-in-chief of the Alik daily newspaper, told Alpha News.

“Tehran is currently in a state of waiting. Tehran has become a diplomatic crossroads visited by various officials and diplomatic representatives, from foreign ministers and deputy prime ministers to Secretary of the Russian National Security Council Sergei Shoigu. The focus of all visits is the regional situation, the Iran-Israel conflict, and an attempt to reduce tensions as much as possible.

However, the ongoing process and the official news feed that comes out after these meetings indicate that Iranian officials unanimously emphasize that they do not seek a large-scale war. But since Israel’s actions violate all international laws and regulations and have violated Iran’s sovereignty and territorial integrity, a retaliatory strike is inevitable and will happen,” Shahnazaryan noted.

According to him, Iran’s strike will be targeted and as effective as possible.

“I believe Iran is currently preparing for this strike. According to the traditions of the Iranian political school, this strike will not be hasty, formal, or conspicuous. It must be targeted and as effective as possible. Iran is preparing for this, taking into account the situation in the region, international relations, and the consequences this strike may lead to. In this context, various events are taking place, and we must expect their development,” Shahnazaryan concluded.