Davit Mnatsakanyan: It is time for Armenian communities to put down their party flags

August 30 2023, 13:00

Opinion | Politics

US-based public figure, businessman Davit Mnatsakanyan asks our compatriots from the Diaspora live on Alpha News whether we need Artsakh. He notes with regret that their expectations have not been fulfilled.

“Our goal was to inform more people about what is happening in Artsakh at the moment. Our rallies started near Adam Schiff’s office, and before that, we went on hunger strike in front of the Azerbaijani embassy. The goal was to inform and raise awareness about the situation in Artsakh.

Unfortunately, our expectations have not been fulfilled as much as we wanted. Artsakh is still under blockade today; the situation is much more complicated. I think that the Diaspora should now ask itself more seriously whether we need Artsakh,” Mnatsakanyan said.

According to him, sit-ins with 500-700 people are too few, more Armenians from the Diaspora should be involved so that more pressure can be exerted and the result will become noticeable.

“It is time for the Armenian communities to put down their party flags, so to speak, and all of us should unite in this great struggle.

The Karabakh issue did not arise yesterday. It will take a long time to be resolved. If Armenians from different countries act unitedly, I am certain that we will achieve positive results,” Davit Mnatsakanyan said.

The public figure states that there are not many people who stand by them and it is important that the Diaspora come up with a plan.