MEP Lars Patrick Berg: It is dangerous for Armenia to withdraw from bilateral agreements with Russia

November 24 2023, 19:32

Opinion | Politics

The possibility of European integration of Armenia is a long process, German Member of the European Parliament Lars Patrick Berg told Alpha News, answering a question about how the EU can replace relations between Armenia and Russia.

“I am an ordinary member of the European Parliament, I am not the head of state or prime minister, so I cannot advise anything to the government of Armenia. However, I think that European integration is a long process, which can be quite frustrating for people in Armenia who are pro-European and in favor of joining the EU.

This is a long process, and I think it will probably be dangerous to withdraw from all bilateral agreements with Russia. This is my humble opinion. I believe, the EU will be unable or hesitant to replace these agreements immediately. I think you need hard power. The EU has economic power, it’s true, diplomatic power, but in terms of hard power, the EU is quite weak,” he noted.

The MEP added that it is necessary to make a geopolitical decision that will be beneficial for Armenia.