Over 2,200 Artsakh residents undergo medical examination in IHAK mobile clinics

November 08 2023, 00:00


More than 2,200 forcibly displaced Artsakh residents underwent free medical examination in IHAK mobile clinics donated by Russia, the organization said on Facebook.

The Armenian National Center for Infectious Diseases, with the funding of the International Organization for Migration, conducted research among forcibly displaced persons from Artsakh for a month, from October 2 to November 1.

“We are pleased to announce that more than 2,200 Artsakh residents underwent free examination in mobile medical and diagnostic clinics donated by Russia to the National Center for Infectious Diseases of the Ministry of Health of Armenia.

The medical staff, including a physician, a pediatrician, a therapist and a neurologist, visited almost all regions of Armenia.

Ultrasound scans and photofluorography were carried out in mobile clinics. Individuals received medical care for free,” the organization added.