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The temporary loss of Artsakh is a blow to Armenia’s energy and food security

September 20 2024, 17:07

As a result of the aggression unleashed by Azerbaijan against the Republic of Artsakh in 2023, we are faced with a situation where part of our homeland is temporarily lost. For about a year, the propaganda of the current authorities of the Republic of Armenia has been aimed at making the public digest these processes, convincing people that “Artsakh is a burden” and that as a result of all this, we will have a better future, including material benefits. Unfortunately, it seems that there are those who believe in this thesis. Therefore, despite the fact that the loss of Artsakh is a matter of values, it seems that we need to emphasize once again and show the importance the economy of Artsakh had for us and what we lost.

The Armenia-Artsakh trade turnover, which is not fully statistically recorded since it is in the same customs system, testifies to the provision of mutual economic activity, the growth of local production and employment, and the fact that our businessmen can enter the market.

In particular, it should be noted that Artsakh has been a guarantee for Armenia in terms of food security, with very high potential. Until 2020, 100,000–120,000 tons of wheat were imported from Artsakh to Armenia in different years. Today we are deprived of that source.

Artsakh was also an important source for Armenia’s energy security. Thanks to 37 hydroelectric power plants, cheap electricity was imported from Artsakh to Armenia, which was an especially important resource considering the problems of our energy system today.

The role of Artsakh’s economy is even more important in its full potential, which is temporarily not ours today.
And if Azerbaijan’s constant materialization of the Artsakh issue and its consideration as a territorial dispute are somehow understandable, then such a very painful policy of the current Armenian authorities is not only incomprehensible but also false.