South Caucasus conflict must be mediated by those powers that are striving for normalization, political scientist says

February 17 2024, 13:30

Opinion | Politics

Speaking with Alpha News, Russian lawyer and political scientist Igor Semenovsky emphasized that all regional actors are interested in ensuring that the problems of the South Caucasus are resolved inside the region.

“I think that not only the Russian side, but in general all regional players such as Russia, Iran, and even Turkey are interested in ensuring that problems in the South Caucasus are resolved inside the region. They want everything to be decided by those people and those countries that live on this territory and have a home here, rather than by those who were imposed from the outside with artificial proposals or with artificial initiatives.

If we look at the example of the countries of the former Yugoslavia or a number of post-Soviet countries, we will see that the EU and US mediation always produces a negative result. So, Patrushev’s (Russian Security Council Secretary – ed.) message is that the conflict in the South Caucasus should be addressed on a bilateral basis or through the mediation of those powers that have real leverage and that really strive to resolve this problem,” Semenovsky noted.