Tiran Lokmagyozyan: The message of the Azerbaijani-Turkish exercises was addressed not only to Armenia but also to Russia

October 25 2023, 10:00

Opinion | Politics

Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights Dunja Mijatović met with representatives of “West Azerbaijan” in Baku.

Referring to this meeting in a conversation with Alpha News, Turkologist Tiran Lokmagyozyan expressed the opinion that, in fact, this is a Western program, and the West is behind it.

According to him, the program of Great Turan coincides with Western goals.

“The only thing that the West was doing was urging,” he said.

Commenting on the joint Azerbaijani-Turkish exercises, Tiran Lokmagyozyan noted that each exercise pursues its own specific goal, especially when the participants in the exercises have the same enemy.

“’We can also destroy Iskanders.’ This message was addressed not only to Armenia but also to Russia,” the Turkologist stressed.

According to Lokmagyozyan, this is further evidence that Turkiye’s programs coincide with the goals of the West.