Trial of reservist Gagik Voskanyan starts in Azerbaijan

December 07 2023, 15:45

Armenians | Politics

The trial of Armenian serviceman Gagik Voskanyan, who was illegally arrested in the Karvachar district of occupied Artsakh, has begun in Baku.

On August 16, Voskanyan was charged with “attempting to violate the state border of Azerbaijan and carrying out terrorist and sabotage activities.”

The Azerbaijani Prosecutor’s office announced that it happened a criminal case against Armenian reservist Gagik Voskanyan.

On August 16, the Ministry of Defense of Armenia reported that reservist G. V., according to preliminary data, voluntarily left the combat position. The Ministry of Defense refuted reports about an attempt by the Armenian Armed Forces to commit a sabotage penetration into the eastern part of the border zone.